
Financial Scam, Cyber Investigation & Capital Recovery

At Capx Recovery, we specialize in cyber fraud, internet scams, and crypto-related theft.
We can help you navigate the crises of
forensic cryptocurrency investigations effectively.

About Us

At Capx Recovery, we are at the forefront of transforming how we track cryptocurrency transactions on the blockchain. With our cutting-edge techniques and relentless pursuit of justice, we uncover chargebacks and other recovery methods.

We approach every case with utmost care and consideration to ensure swift resolution. We assure absolute client confidentiality and discretion in all crypto investigations, including cyber fraud, cyber theft, internet scams, and cybercrime, regardless of scale or expense.

Our Services

Gain access to evidence-based insights from our crypto investigators to make informed decisions.

Recover Your Lost Cryptocurrency

With our AI tools, we investigate and recover funds for victims of cryptocurrency and trading platform scams. Whether it’s Bitcoin or Ether, we help you retrieve your cryptocurrency investments by tracing transactions through the blockchain to identify the destination wallet.

Identify Who Scammed You

Were you scammed by a forex broker who guaranteed high investment returns? Our expertise in forex investigations can help you locate and identify scammers responsible for your losses.

We Help Recover Stolen NFTs

Have you fallen prey to NFT investment scams? Our expert team is here to assist you and help you recover your losses.

Trace And Recover Your Losses

One of our company’s domains is investigating Ponzi schemes. We provide reliable products that minimize risk and increase vigilance for our clients.

We Help You Keep Yourself Safe

Have you been a victim of a romance scam? Our team is equipped to identify the culprits and assist you in reporting the fraud. We are working with you to regain control of your personal information and prevent further harm.

Don’t Fall for Fake Tax Charges

You are faced with a business opportunity, but unsure if it’s a genuine deal or fake. Let our team analyze and evaluate the deal. With years of experience, our team can call out a scam when they see one. We will also educate you in spotting a potential scam.

Secure Your Online Spaces

Our team confidently utilizes advanced tools to investigate internet scams and track down culprits. We specialize in exposing anonymous offenders and helping victims protect themselves and their assets.

Fake Finfluencer On The Rise

Many online celebrities have become financial experts with no financial background. Do you blindly trust these gurus to make a huge profit or risk losing everything that you have worked for. Get in touch with Capx Recovery experts and find out if your finfluencer is legit or shill.

Our Beliefs


We value ethics and morality and seek personnel who share this dedication to quality service and integrity. Our commitment to these values ensures top-notch services for you.

IT Security:

We prioritize the utmost care and security of your personal information through our stringent business practices and governance procedures. Furthermore, we keep all records offline, minimizing the risk of data breaches and hacking attempts. You can trust us to hold the highest standards of integrity and confidentiality.

Crypto Investigator:

At CapX Recovery, we firmly believe that professionalism is not just a skill to be learned but also practiced. We understand it originates from a genuine desire to exceed expectations, exhibit respect, and uphold the highest standards. As such, we view it as an essential attribute for success in any setting.

Our Process To Recover From A Crypto Scam

Case Assessment

Capx Recovery offers tailored scam recovery plans through a secure portal or dedicated support. Our services include detailed case evaluation and transparent communication at every process stage.

Collection of Details

To provide a robust basis for additional research and support, we gather relevant information from crypto scam victims by compiling transaction records, communication logs, and supporting documentation connected to the fraud.

Systemic Approach

Capx Recovery deals with scammers strategically. Our experts communicate with important parties via legal channels after gathering evidence. This systematic approach helps us to build a strong case, leading to effective asset recovery through active negotiation against fraudsters and platforms.

Asset Recovery

We closely monitor legal developments and stay updated on any new information that could impact recovery efforts. With a commitment to hard work, we are proud of our past performance and pledge to do our best to recover your crypto assets.

Capx Recovery Blogs

All You Need To Know About Online Dating Scams in 2024

In this fast digital age, it is only natural for many to find online dates. As we become more and more dependent on smartphones.

How to Protect Personal Information And Data

Smartphones have revolutionized our lives; we can store our information on them and thus avoid carrying bulky..

Creating Strong Passwords to Secure Your Accounts

We are so dependent on our smartphones that they allow us to store sensitive details on them.

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